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Find the help you need > Health Supportive Services > Medicare Fraud Reporting

Medicare Fraud Reporting

Programs that provide a hotline or other mechanisms that persons with Medicare and the public at large can use to report health care providers or beneficiaries who make false statements or representations which result in an unauthorized payment by the Medicare program to themselves or another. Also included are organizations that accept and investigate reports about fraudulent entities that misrepresent themselves as approved Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans; approved plans that use aggressive marketing tactics, discriminate against a beneficiary (e.g., prevent them from signing up for a plan based on their age, health status, race or income), entice beneficiaries to enroll in a more costly plan than they require, or erroneously charge beneficiaries for medication provided under the plan they have selected; or pharmacies that provide a different drug than the one prescribed by the physician. Examples of Medicare fraud include incorrect reporting of diagnoses or procedures to maximize payments; billing for services, medical supplies, equipment or medications not provided; misrepresentation of the dates and descriptions of services or medications provided, the identity of the recipient or the individual furnishing services; and billing for noncovered or nonchargeable services as covered items. Also included are programs that provide consumer education, counseling and assistance with the objective of helping people identify instances of fraud.

2 Locations offering the requested services to residents of the 87571 postal code. Providers are listed by priority/proximity
1911 Fifth Street
Santa Fe, NM 87505
(800) 772-1213 Toll Free
(866) 571-8130 Toll Free
Santa Fe County
58 miles from you
7500 Security Boulevard
Windsor Mill, MD 21244
(800) 633-4227 Toll Free   or 800-MEDICARE
Baltimore County
1558 miles from you
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